22 Glocal exams/tests and work settings
Glocal exams and control tests:
Glocal exams confirm knowledge needed for health care and access to specialists, while control tests of clinical procedures assess if examinees demonstrate a principle for use of the human body with special emphasis on finger control in patient mouths and the associated views of operating points.
Nations that accept OEB (open exchange block) licensing should be in consensus with the following rules of licensing examinations; (Note: This list is proposed as examples of rules for OEB licensing.)
1) Questions and exercises should be relevant to the rights granted by the license or specialty certificate.
2) Questions and exercises should be relevant to knowledge and abilities expected of all licensed medical clinicians.
3) Exercises should demonstrate principles for optimum finger and tongue control with associated views of operating points.
4) Questions and answers to the licensing exams and specialty certificate tests should be classified in 3 knowledge bases (See Menu 11: Kb 1,2, and 3).
5) Questions that require rote memory must relate to broader scopes of information which are useful to licensed health personnel.
6) Questions related to local conditions are designed for ‘local certificates’ that are issued by local councils to health care personnel with OEB/global licenses. Local examinations may include questions on the special health problems in a locality, local/state laws, and registered standards of local care.
7) The content of past licensing examinations is posted in openly reviewable websites (eg. WHO).
It is proposed to form a Global Licensing Board, which prepares global licensing exams and control tests, which is openly reviewed and disclosed to learners/applicants who want to be care personnel. Dedicated website/s and local facilities for skill acquisition/peer review/ verification will be made available to learners. Learners can accumulate clinical experiences in the clinical field such as nurse, paramedic, technician, while learning in the website. This will broaden the career options of licensed personnel. (See menu 23 for our proposal for Career Options.)
Work/clinical settings:
The work setting for applicants need to be compatible with clinical skills which they acquire. Natural body positions for work that are measured from balanced upright and full rest at horizontal is a need for all settings. In clinics and hospitals, patients need body supports at both positions.
Each treatment area needs; 1) pd PT-TT (position tech – treatment tech) linkage, 2) ICT based on a health oriented index (‘ta’ procedure codes), 3) cameras to send photos to ATC (appraisal test center), and 4) Skype and data transfer links to ATC. (See Menu 23 Our proposal for Career Options.)
Q & A
Q) How is aptitude of applicants to be good care providers confirmed/tested?
A) Health care is people-oriented, and is a career of patience with patients. Applicant’s interest and temperament can be tested by a SAT and exams of existing knowledge as health care personnel in the field.
Q) How is inter-personal/communication skill of applicants confirmed/tested?
A) This is best confirmed in the work settings of health care, but not in school classrooms or school laboratories. Applicants are required to have given years of clinical experience in health care (eg. ambulance staff, paramedics, nurses, technicians, etc.)